WARNING: Use your abilities wisely! They have a cooldown period of 4 seconds after they've been used! 


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I think you need a tutorial screen or video that showcases the robot character is on three different planes on the Z-axis for the player. Or maybe each plane needs it's own color so the player can immediately differentiate between them. I also had trouble with the controls until I realized that the controls only become interactive once you interact with the specific object. Also a cool down timer for each ability that visually shows when they are ready and accessible would be great. I can see that the game could be fun if these tweaks are added. 

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback! We'll try to push those changes in the next iteration!

We've updated the game and have processed your tips! Thanks!

Feel free to share any feedback below!

 We've already learned that it does not seem to be clear that the ability controls are not supposed to trigger an immediate effect. If you press an ability key (WSD), the player will act accordingly as soon as it will face an obstacle. 

We will make that clearer in the next version.